New Delhi: City Hunter is the live-action adaptation of Tsukasa Hojo’s manga. It was Yuichi Satoh who helmed the forthcoming Netflix Japanese feature. On April 25, 2024, this adrenaline-pumping action flick will debut on Netflix. Following the dynamic team of Ryo Saeba and Hideyuki on their daring journey to investigate murders, it recounts their adventures.
Korea, China, and Hong Kong have all previously released versions of City Hunter. Every single one of the versions you absolutely must see has this precise plot.
1. City Hunter (1993) – Hong Kong Adaptation
Set against the backdrop of a cruise ship highjacking, this Jackie Chan starrer thriller follows private investigator Ryu Saeba and his assistant Kaori as they go on a quest to find the daughter of a Japanese publishing mogul.
2. Mr. Mumble (1996) – Hong Kong Adaptation
This action comedy stars Michael Chow as a Hong Kong S.W.A.T. sharpshooter who is fired after missing a hostage operation while womanizing in a nightclub. After losing his job, he takes in a beautiful travelling girl at his friend’s tavern, unaware that she is the daughter of a triad leader. She is targeted and Mr. Mumble protects her. Mumble uses his exceptional powers to serve and defend when danger threatens.
3. Qi Huan Mao Xian Wang (2014) – Chinese Adaptation
This action-packed fantasy drama, which stars Jimmy Lin, Ma Su, Bao Wen Jing, and Sammy Hung, is based on Hojo Tsukasa’s manga series City Hunter. There were a total of forty episodes developed as a television series.
4. City Hunter (2011) – Korean Adaptation
This Korean drama centres on popular actors Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young. An accomplished member of the Blue House’s foreign communications team, Lee Yoon Sung earned his degree from MIT. In the end, he becomes a City Hunter and plots vengeance against the five politicians, including his surrogate father Lee Jin Pyo, who he believes was responsible for his father’s murder.
5. City Hunter (2024) – Japanese Adaptation
Suzuki Ryohei and Morita Misato will appear in the April 25, 2024, Japanese film adaptation. Saeba Ryo is a Tokyo street sweeper in this scene. He helps the downtrodden and cleans up the streets as a problem shooter. Whether he’s acting as a bodyguard or an assassin, Ryo excels at both roles. But his life takes a tragic turn, after losing his closest friend to a strange murder, Ryo vows to find his perpetrator and allies with Kaori.