New Delhi: ‘Dahan: Raakan Ka Rahasya’ made its debut on September 16 on OTT giant Disney+ Hotstar. Vikrant Pawar directorial is a dark story of age-old myths and story of age-old myths and superstitions in a village called Shilaspura.
Writers Nisarg Mehta, Shiv Bajpayee and Nikhil Nair recently opened up about the issues faced while creating the thrilling series, which has received admirable reviews from the audience.
In an interview with, the writer trio revealed that they had to hire a therapist while working on the script in order to push the conflicts aside and build long term trust among themselves.
When Nisarg Mehta was asked whether there was any dispute between them while writing the story, he said, “Absolutely! There were many disputes between us. Many times if two of us did not agree on something, the third one had to act as a middleman”.
“Sometimes, it would be two against one and conflict won’t end soon. But that was the fun of it. Had there been no dispute between us, things would have been very simple”, he added.
He further said that they used to quarrel over small things like what would be the layout of the room, where would the chairs be, and more.
Shiv further told, “There was a lot of chaos, we threw pencils at each other. Even there came a time when we had to hire a therapist for trust building”.
“Though we are thankful that our director gave us a blank canvas to write on…”, he added on a lighter note.
Meanwhile, the trio revealed that plot of the horror series revolves around a mysterious village wherein paranormal occurrences are common, and the locals residents seems to have no way out of it. The rest of the story only brings up newer and scarier facts about the place to the screen.