New Delhi: Bollywood actor Deepika Padukone attended motivational speaker and author Jay Shetty’s show in Bengaluru. The actor was accompanied by her sister Anisha Padukone as they made a low-profile public outing. Soon, pictures and videos of Deepika went viral on the internet and she even stopped by and posed with fans.
Deepika went with a white shirt, denims, and shoes while Anisha wore a black top with a denim jacket and matched it with denims in the bottom.
Deepika attended Jay Shetty’s Love Rules Tour show in Bangalore with her family yesterday
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— Team DP Malaysia (@TeamDeepikaMY_) May 7, 2023
Videos show fans shouting ‘I love you Deepika’ and reportedly, the Bollywood diva also gave flying kisses to return back the love. A fan also got clicked with her and shared the picture on her Instagram handle, calling Deepika her ‘favourite actress’.
Jay Shetty is on his Love Rules Tour and Deepika and Anisha attended the show held in Bengaluru. The British author released his book ‘8 Rules of Love: How to Find It, Keep It and Let It Go’ this year. He is known for his book ‘Think Like A Monk’. published in 2020.
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Deepika attended the show on May 6, Saturday and returned to Mumbai on Sunday when she was spotted at the Mumbai Airport in casuals.
On the work front, she was last seen in the blockbuster action-thriller ‘Pathaan’ opposite Shah Rukh Khan. The actor will next be seen in ‘Project K’ along with Prabhas, Amitabh Bachchan, Disha Patani, and Dulquer Salman, which is set to release in January next year. She also has Siddharth Anand’s ‘Fighter’ opposite Hrithik Roshan in the pipeline.