New Delhi: In anticipation of its next production, “Dragons of Wonderhatch,” Disney has announced four new cast members and released a new teaser video. To produce a one-of-a-kind fantasy experience, this project blends live-action and anime elements. Based on the promo, the show’s debut on Disney Plus Hotstar is scheduled for December 20, 2023.
Parts of the project will take place in the real world, while others will be animated and set in a fantasy realm where dragons reside.
Luke reviews @hulu’s “Dragons of Wonderhatch,” a new live-action/anime hybrid series that brilliantly combines the two mediums into an intriguing and mysterious tale.
— (@laughing_place) December 17, 2023
*jpf dari anime ke dunia nyata
“Dragons of Wonderhatch”
— JAPANFESS (@JPFBASE) December 14, 2023
On 12/20 Disney+ premieres Dragon of Wonderhatch and HBO Max premieres Knights of the Zodiac on 12/22, a lot of Macken this week…I’m so excited 😄😍#Mackenyu #DragonsofWonderhatch #KnightsoftheZodiac #MackenyuArata
— 𝕄𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕟𝕪𝕦 𝔸𝕡𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕚𝕤𝕥 (@mackenapologist) December 19, 2023
The plot takes place at the boundary between our reality and the one where dragons dwell. A high school student named Nagi lives in the real world, and she loves fantasies. She doesn’t feel at home anywhere and has a unique talent that makes her see colours anytime she hears noises. She begins to have distressing, recurring nightmares of soaring over the skies at some point.
On the other hand, Tyme lives in Upananta, a parallel universe where a weird occurrence involves the crashing of several floating islands. Attempts to save humans from the impending doom of the planet have been spearheaded by the heroic Akuta Sky Group. Tyme joins Akuta’s gang as a dragon rider out of admiration, but he soon realises he can’t hear the dragons’ voices and is labelled a dropout.
Time travel from Upananta to Nagi happens one day when the two dimensions collide. They may have various backgrounds, yet they have a commonality: they stand out from the crowd.
When and Where to Watch?
On December 20, 2023, Disney Plus Hotstar will premiere the 8-episode drama Dragons of Wonderhatch.
Dragons of Wonderhatch: Live-Action – Anime Series releases new teaser, expanded cast, and premiere set for December 20 on OTT
— The Zombie Examiner (@ZombieExaminer) October 23, 2023
More Details
The role of Tyme is performed by Daiken Okudaira, while Sena Nakajima plays the part of Nagi. The part of Nagi’s companion Son is portrayed by Yoshito Emmanuelle, while Akuta, the dragon rider, is played by Mackenyu Arata.
Producers Teruhisa Yamamoto, Hitoshi Itou, and Hideyuki Wakuta oversee the project, which has screenplays written by Takamasa Oe, Anna Kawahara, and Kyota Fujimoto. Production credit goes to C & I Entertainment, which has a reputation for producing high-quality films like the live-action Tokyo Zombie series.