New Delhi: Ahead of the release of the trailer of Dream Girl 2, Ananya Pandey and Ayushmaan Khurana shared a new poster of their upcoming film Dream Girl 2. The film has created a lot of hype among its fans since its teaser release. The film is the sequel to the 2019 film Dream Girl featuring Ayushmann Khurana and Nushrratt Bharuccha. Fans are excited to watch Ayushmann and Ananya together for this project.
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Anaya, who made her debut with 2019 Karan Johar’s film Student Of The Year 2, took to her Instagram handle to share the new poster of the film. In the new poster, Ayushmann can be seen wearing a red color lehenga posing in the car, and portraying himself as Pooja. While seeing the poster, his character is mischievous, and apart from Ayushmann, Paresh Rawal, Vijay Razz, Annu Kapoor, Rajpal Yadav, Manoj Joshi, and many others with weird expressions, mocking Ayushmann. Here is the look.
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Interestingly, a new Instagram handle with the name Pooja is tagged by Ayushmann Khurana while sharing all the posters of the film. The Instagram handle is none other than of Ayushmann Khurana, in which there are all the posts related to Dream Girl 2. The account features a lot of pictures of Ayushmann Khurana as Pooja, a character from her film Dream Girl 2. He wrote the caption, Aashiq hai Taiyaar, Dekhne ko trailer Hazaar Baar, Khatam hoga aaj Intezaar with a heart-eye emoji.
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The movie is directed by Shaandilyaa featuring a talented cast including Ayushmaann Khurana, Ananya Pandey, Annu Kapoor, Paresh Rawal, Rajpal Yadav, and many more. The film is going to release on the 25th of August this year and trailer will be out soon.
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