New Delhi: A Vivek Athreya directorial venture, featuring Nani and Nazriya Nazim, has released in theatres on June 10. Ante Sundaraniki was a much-awaited Telugu film. The film follows a Hindu Brahmin boy and a Christian girl who fall in love with each other. The boy starts to train the girl to be a Brahmin to convince her parents, but their plans get revealed.
The leading cast of Ante Sundaraniki includes Nani, known for Jersey, and Nazriya Nazim, a known face of Malayalam cinema making her debut in Telugu films.
People have watched the film in theatres and their reactions are out on Twitter. Netizens found the film entertaining and praised Nani for his acting.
One of the finest entertainer of the year for sure ?❤️ hilarious first half
special thanks @anupamahere role ?
Ante Ante Ante B-L-O-C-K-B-U-S-T-E-R ????Congratulations @NameisNani anna❤ #NazriyaFahadh @MythriOfficial || #AnteSundaraniki
— V? RCB ❤️ (@_Virajvijay) June 10, 2022
A Twitter user found the length of the movie to be a bit long.
I wish the length would’ve been trimmed a bit. Felt too long, not sure what could’ve been excluded though.
— Sri (@okguruok) June 10, 2022
Nani’s best comedy movie IMO, hilarious entertainer with beautiful emotions and thoughts. Vivek Athreya’s strongest screenplay so far ❤️❤️❤️ keep shining
Niketh Bommi and Vivek Saagar uthiki aaresaaru@nikethbommi @NameisNani #AnteSundaraniki
— mcd whore (@MekaSaiKrishna1) June 10, 2022
Written and directed by Vivek Athreya, Ante Sundaraniki is a romantic comedy movie produced by Mythri Movie Makers.