Flower and Asura OTT: The school drama series ‘Flower and Asura’ was produced by the Studio: Studio Bind. The anime originally comes from the manga adaptation under the same name, written by Ayano Takeda and illustrated by Musshu.
The series began its official serialization in the manga magazine Ultra Jump. The television adaptation series will be premiering in January 2025.
Hana lives on the small island of Tonakijima. The island consists of a population of over 600 people, considering its small size. One of Hana’s favorite ways to spend her time is to read stories to the island’s younger children. Through her storytelling, she can capture the hearts of many.
This talent comes to the notice of the president of the school’s broadcasting club, Mizuki. Thinking of this, Mizuki invites Hana to join the club. Now Hana will embark on a new journey by joining the school’s club. She will engage with the other members and further deepen her love for reading.
Hana experiences many firsts with the members of the broadcasting club as she embarks on her journey. The simple hobby she’s been following for such time is now being considered a talent by the school Broadcasting club.
This new change will be odd to Hana but she will consider it another adventure in the bedazzled life she leads.
#News ✨ “Hana wa Saku, Shura no Gotoku” TV Anime Releases Trailer
Set to be released January 2025.
pic.twitter.com/55VJzeLXw8— Yuri Anime News 百合 (@YuriAnimeNews) September 11, 2024
El manga Hana wa Saku, Shura no Gotoku tendrá una adaptación a anime
Se estrenará en 2025 bajo la producción de los estudios Studio Bind pic.twitter.com/j5UkqiAOhI— ポケ 🍊🎺 Kanon Simp 🎧⚡ | Watch Love Live Superstar (@PokeOumae) June 12, 2024
School Life Seinen Manga “Hana wa Saku, Shura no Gotoku” (Flower and Asura) by Hibike! Euphonium author Ayano Takeda, art by Musshu will be receiving a TV ANIME ADAPTATION. pic.twitter.com/GCuBw8Oc9N
— Sugoi LITE (@SugoiLITE) April 22, 2024