New Delhi: Actress Juhi Chawla pleasantly surprised her fans by sharing a teaser on Twitter for her upcoming web series, “Friday Night Plan.” The series stars Babil Khan, the son of the late actor Irrfan Khan, and the one-minute teaser provides a glimpse of the new on-screen pairing of Juhi and Babil as a mother and son duo. Produced by Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani’s Excel Entertainment, the series is set to release on Netflix on September 1.
Your #FridayNightPlan is on us ! Releases on 1st Sept , only on @netflix_in#BabilKhan @theamrithjayan #AadhyaAnand @Medhaarana @ninadkamat_ #VatsalNeelakantan @ritesh_sid @FarOutAkhtar @J10Kassim @vishalrr #MohitShah @sapanv @Mr_Makhija @NetflixIndia@excelmovies
— Juhi Chawla Mehta (@iam_juhi) August 4, 2023
Babil Khan, the son of the late actor Irrfan Khan, is making a comeback with his upcoming film called “Friday Night Plan.” After his debut in the movie “Qala,” Babil Khan will once again grace the screen, this time on an OTT platform. Netflix, the streaming platform for the film, released the first official glimpse of the movie today. The film stars Babil Khan and Amrith Jayan in the lead roles and promises to be a fresh and enjoyable entertainer.
‘Friday Night Plan’ Trailer
Today, Netflix unveiled the teaser of “Friday Night Plan” to announce its release date, which is scheduled for September 1st. In the movie, Babil Khan portrays the role of an intelligent older brother, while Amrith Jayan brings the mischievous younger brother to life. The 52-second teaser starts with Juhi Chawla Mehta playing the role of a concerned mother, asking her teenage sons if they will be fine if she leaves for two nights. The teaser then shows the brothers attending exciting parties, enjoying the vibrant city nightlife, and highlighting their unbreakable bond.
Babil Khan expressed his relatability to the role, mentioning that having a younger brother in real life makes the film feel even more personal. He shared his excitement about working with Excel Entertainment for the first time and expressed his joy to collaborate with Netflix once again after “Qala.”