New Delhi: Sunny Deol’s Gadar 2 has entered in its third week in theatres and is showing no signs of slowing down. On August 27 the film showed a massive rise by earning Rs 17 crore in net India. With this, Gadar 2 successfully crossed the Rs 450 crore mark at the domestic box office. After getting outstanding reviews from audiences and critics as well, people are heading towards theatres to watch Gadar 2.
THE HISTORIC RUN CONTINUES… #Gadar2 is UNBEATABLE and UNSHAKABLE in mass pockets… The jump on [third] Sat – Sun is an EYE-OPENER… Crosses ₹ 450 cr, begins its TRIUMPHANT MARCH towards ₹ 500 cr… [Week 3] Fri 7.10 cr, Sat 13.75 cr, Sun 16.10 cr. Total: ₹ 456.05 cr. #India…
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) August 28, 2023
Gadar 2 broke all the records even after the clash with Akshay Kumar’s OMG 2 in theatres. The film was released on August 11. We can surely say that Gadar2 is the latest hit of Bollywood and the film earned Rs 17 crore on its third Sunday (27 August 2023) at the domestic box office which took the total earning of the film to Rs 456.95 crore. On day 17 the film recorded an occupancy of 57.80 crore in India.
About Gadar 2
Gadar 2 follows the story of a truck driver Tara Singh played by Sunny Deol and Sakina (Ameesha Patel). It is the sequel to the 2001 hit film Gadar: Ek Prem Katha and its sequel is the follow-up story of the first part. In Gada2 Tara Singh Ventures across the border in order to rescue his son Charanjeet essayed by Utkarsh Sharma, who is captured in Pakistan. The film is directed and produced by Anil Sharma and features an ensemble cast. The film is said to be loosely based on Boota Singh, who was an ex-soldier in British army. He was known for his tragic love story with Zainab, a muslim girl whom he rescued during the partion of India in 1947.