New Delhi: Following its successful debut in Japan, the live-action Golden Kamuy will soon be available on Netflix worldwide. The film is based on the popular manga series of the same name. The film, taking cues from the manga, depicts a hero of the Russo-Japanese War as he embarks on a mission to uncover a treasure buried in Japan’s Hokkaido area in the early 20th century.
When it premiered in Japanese theatres on January 19, 2024, it quickly became a top box-office success. Audiences throughout the globe have been eagerly anticipating its debut in foreign regions ever since. Finally, on May 19, Golden Kamuy will be available to view on Netflix.
The film was directed by Kubo Shigeaki and written for the big screen by Kuroiwa Tsutomu, based on Noda’s manga.
Film GOLDEN KAMUY Live-Action tayang 19 Mei di Netflix!
Di awal 1900-an, ada perburuan harta karun emas di Hokkaido, Jepang. Takdir mempertemukan Saichi Sugimoto & Asirpa untuk mengejar harta itu bersama, dgn alasan berbeda.
Ada yang ngikutin animenya? Trailer di 👇
— Habis Nonton Film (@HabisNontonFilm) April 25, 2024
التاريخ: 19 مايو.
الفيلم: Golden Kamuy
وزي مانقول دايمًا: كونوا بالموعد 😎— Netflix MENA (@NetflixMENA) May 12, 2024
In this early 20th-century tale set in the Hokkaido region, a soldier of the Russo-Japanese War named Saichi Sugimoto struggles to make ends meet amidst the gold rush that followed the war in the remote Hokkaido wilderness.
On a perilous mission to uncover a fortune in buried Ainu gold, he finds a map and decides to follow it. All those who are aware of the gold will go to whatever lengths to get their hands on it, so Sugimoto isn’t the only one interested.
With the aid of an Ainu girl called Asirpa, Sugimoto will need all his abilities and good fortune to live in the brutal northern wilderness, where he will also encounter vicious criminals and renegade Japanese troops.
When and Where to Watch?
On Sunday, May 19, 2024, precisely four months after its Japanese debut, Golden Kamuy will have its Netflix premiere.
Perebutan antara Sugimoto, Asirpa, Divisi 7, dan Toshizo Hijikata demi harta ✨emas✨ di tengah-tengah salju bakal tercetus 💥❄️ Filem live action #GoldenKamuy akan ditayangkan di Netflix, 19 Mei.
— Netflix Malaysia (@NetflixMY) April 24, 2024
Cast and Crew
Kubo Shigeaki helms the movie, Matsuhashi Shinzo produces it, and Kuroiwa Tsutomu wrote the screenplay. Yutaka Yamada was the composer.
Yamazaki Kento plays the major part of Saichi Sugimoto, and the cast includes Anna Yamada, Tamaki Hiroshi, Yamoto Yuma, Tachi Hiroshi, Maeda Gordon, Otani Ryohei, Tanigaki Genjirô, Ogata Hyakunosuke, and many more.
With an opening weekend total of $3.6 million, Golden Kamuy was the most successful Japanese film of all time. Within its first month of release, the picture earned $15.33 million and remained in the top ten for six weeks running.