New Delhi: Renowned actor Gufi Paintal, popularly known as Shakuni Mama for his character in a TV show- ‘Mahabharat’, passed away this morning. He died at 79 years old after suffering age-related health issues. He had heart failure, causing his sudden demise on June 5 around 9 am.
The actor’s family, with great grief, announced his sad demise. They also clarified that he gently passed away around his loved ones.
Long-term patient Gufi Paintal was taken to the hospital on May 31 when his health deteriorated. He was unwell for some time and took his last breath today.
Gufi, in addition to being an actor, also directed a few TV programs and the film Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. He also served as a casting director, production designer, and associate director at BR Films. The actor, Paintal, a well-known comedian, appeared in films such as Satte Pe Satta, Rafoo Chakkar, Parichay, and others, and was also an actor.
Films like Dillagi (1978), Daava (1997), and Samrat & Co. (2014), and Des Pardes (1978), are among Gufi’s acting credits. In the 1994 film Suhaag, he played Akshay Kumar’s maternal uncle. He also appeared in various TV shows, including Bharat Ka Veer Putra – Maharana Pratap, Karmaphal Daata Shani, Karn Sangini, and Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein, in addition to Mahabharat. Also, he was seen in ‘Jai Kanhaiya Lal Ki’.
He was a great actor who became a household name with his acting skills in several mythological tales. He was also seen on The Kapil Sharma show when his popularity became evident, with people recognizing him.