New Delhi: Superstar Rajinikanth returns to the big screen after two years with the highly anticipated film, Jailer. According to a report by The Economic Times, offices in Chennai and Bengaluru have granted leave to their employees on the day of Jailer’s release as a special gesture. Some companies have even gifted free tickets to their staff members. Directed by Nelson Dilipkumar, Jailer is all set to hit theaters on August 10, generating immense excitement among fans worldwide.
Offices To Shut Down For Jailer Release
With the film’s grand release just a couple of days away, social media is buzzing with fans eagerly counting down to the Jailer premiere. Amidst high expectations for a strong box office opening, news of a company declaring a holiday in honor of superstar Rajinikanth’s film release is spreading like wildfire.
Offices started announcing holiday for #Jailer release 😎🥳
The #SuperstarRajinikanth phenomenon and the only actor in the world who can bring the country to standstill🥳❤️😍#Rajinikanth#Thalaivar170#JailerFromAug10 #JailerAudioLaunch #JailerShowcase #Kaavaalaa #Thalaivar
— Achilles (@Searching4ligh1) August 4, 2023
To avoid piracy, a company has taken the extraordinary step of providing free tickets to its employees for the release of Jailer. The notice released by the company, announcing a shutdown on August 10, has quickly gained immense attention and popularity among internet users.
The company’s statement explained that granting leave to all employees on that day was a strategic move to prevent an overwhelming influx of leave requests. This news further amplifies the extraordinary level of anticipation and excitement surrounding the release of Jailer.
Jailer Trailer
The trailer for “jailer” was released on YouTube earlier this month and has exceeded expectations, receiving positive feedback from viewers. This has alleviated any concerns the filmmakers may have had. The character of Rajinikanth, Muthuvel Pandian, is depicted as someone who was once involved in intense action but now leads a peaceful domestic life. The trailer raises intriguing questions about his transition from violence to tranquility and the circumstances that lead to his return to a world of action.
Cast & Crew
Nelson has done an impressive job assembling a talented cast from different realms of the Indian film industry for this project. Alongside Rajinikanth, the film features renowned actors such as Ramya Krishnan, Yogi Babu, Vasanth Ravi, Redin Kingsley, Vinayakan, and Jaffer Sadiq in important roles. It’s worth mentioning that popular Kannada star Shivarajkumar and Malayalam superstar Mohanlal make significant cameo appearances.