New Delhi: Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor is known for sharing her bold pictures and fashion statements in the social media. This time the actress is seen enjoying a short sea trip with rumored boyfriend Shikhar Pahariya, Orry and Manushi. The group of friends were seen in a sea having fun moments. All of them can be seen dressed up in informal attires with shades and been accompanied by the ship staff to board the boat. Janhvi is seen wearing a lovely multi colour short dress while Manushi is seen wearing a short white dress.
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This was the not the first time the duo was seen spending time together, they were earlier spotted in Italy during the Pre-Wedding bash of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant. The video of Janhvi feeding Shikhar in the party also went viral in social media.
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Janhvi was also seen sharing her thoughts about Shikhar during many interviews, she was heard saying in one of the interviews that we both literally raised each other. She added that the two have been with each other when she was 15-16 yrs old. The couple was spotted with Social media influencer Orry among other friends and Janhvi’s father Boney Kapoor.
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The ‘Bawaal’ actress said that her dreams have been his dreams and his dreams are her dreams. We have been each other’s support system for a really long time. Janhvi shared many unknown facts of her relationship with Shikhar during the show ‘Koffee with Karan”.
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There were also strong rumors about her marrying Shikhar, to this the actress replied ‘Kuch Bhi’ and shut down the gossip.