New Delhi: Jathi Ratnalu, an upcoming comedy-drama Telugu movie directed by Anudeep KV will be hitting the cinemas on March 11. Naveen Polishetty, Rahul Ramakrishna and Priyadarshni will be seen playing the key role in the movie. The Movie was produced by Nag Ashwin under Swapna Cinema’s banner. The fans have a huge expectation from the movie after the recent release of the Jathi Ratnalu Official trailer.
Naveen, Rahul Ramakrishna, Faria Abdullah and Priyadarshi will be playing as Jogpet Srikanth, Ravi, Chitti and Shekhar respectively. The songs from the movie, Chitti and Mani Jathiratnalu are already superhits.
Telugu film actor, producer and TV presenter, Ghanta Naveen Babu, professionally known as Nani took to his Twitter handle, sharing his thoughts about the movie.
#JathiRatnaluTrailer is hilarious
Naveen, darshi, Rahul and their timing .. this trio can’t go wrong 🙂
Wishing our Nagi,swapna and Priyanka a huge success with this one ?— Nani (@NameisNani) March 7, 2021
Jathi Ratnalu will be the biggest release of 2021 so far in the USA.
#JathiRatnalu is the Biggest release of 2021 so far in the USA ??
Wear your Sangameswara Suits for March 10 Premieres ?
Overseas release by @flyhighcinemas@NaveenPolishety @fariaabdullah2@priyadarshi_i @eyrahul#AnudeepKV #Radhan #PriyankaDutt @nagashwin7 @SwapnaCinema
— Vyjayanthi Movies (@VyjayanthiFilms) March 6, 2021