New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan fans are eagerly waiting for Jawan’s trailer with bated breath but the actor only shared yet another teaser of the film’s next upcoming song Ramaiya Vastavaiya. On August 28 afternoon, Shahrukh Khan shared took to his Twitter handle to share the new long teaser of his upcoming song from the movie Jawan. The song is named provisionally as Ramaiya Vatsavaiya, it shows Shah Rukh dancing with a bunch of beautiful women and teaching some slick dance steps.
#NotRamaiyaVastavaiya Full Song Tomorrow!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) August 28, 2023
Shah Rukh’s post reads, “This is not Ramaiya Vastavaiya… want to thank@VMVMVMVMVM for bearing with my two feet. And of the talented tagging music composer and singer Anirudha. Not Ramaiya Vastavaiya full song out tomorrow. Jawan releasing worldwide on September 7 in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. The teaser of the music video shows Shah Rukh in a black outfit embellished with studs and silver chains. He was seen grooving with a bunch of strangers at a party, teaching everyone some cool dance steps. Here is the video
This is ‘Not Ramaiya Vastavaiya….‘ want to thank @VMVMVMVMVM for bearing with my two left feet. And of course the talented @anirudhofficial . #NotRamaiyaVastavaiya Full song out tomorrow! #Jawan releasing worldwide on 7th September 2023, in Hindi, Tamil & Telugu.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) August 28, 2023
Jawan’s makers have released a prevue so far, a two-minute video clip that gives some glimpses of the movie and two songs including Zinda Banda and Chaleya. When asked about the trailer the 57 year actor replied,”Have it ready now, can’t decide what to put first new song or trailer? In response to another query about the trailer, Shah Rukh said if trailer will not come, won’t you see the film? Trailer trailer trailer ha ha..Aa jayega trailer bhai saans toh le le.
About Jawan
Jawan is helmed by Atlee of Theri and Mersal fame and features Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi . It is bankrolled by Gauri Khan and co-produced by Gaurav Gupta under the banner of Red Chillies Entertainment.