New Delhi: Kangana Ranaut taking to her social media handle announces the release of her upcoming horror-comedy, Chandramukhi 2, with the movie poster reading, ‘Ganesh Chaturthi release Chandramukhi 2’.The upcoming movie is the sequel to the 2005 film Chandramukhi and features Kangana Ranaut and Raghav Lawerence. Chandramukhi 2 will hit the big screen in September this year on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi. Sharing the poster Kangana announces the arrival of the film with the caption, ‘This September she is coming back… Are you ready?#Chandramukhi2.’
This September she is coming back … are you ready ? #Chandramukhi2
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) June 29, 2023
The film will be premiered in five different languages: Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam and Kannada. The film also features Vadivelu, Radhika Sarathkumar, and Lakshmi Menon in key roles. It is a sequel to the horror comedy film Chandramukhi 2 helmed by P Vasu. As soon as the poster was released, fans started flooding the comment section and reacted, ‘Queen for a reason’. Another user wrote Eagerly waiting, some others wrote, ‘Oh my god’, very excited for Chandramukhi 2.
The production house Lyca Production also shared the poster revealing the release date of the film. The Lyca wrote,’ We are thrilled to announce that the doors to the much-awaited sequel Chandramukhi 2 will be open from Ganesh Chaturthi, and the film will be released in five different languages. P Vasu will be again seen in the role of director for Chandramukhi 2. Its prequel was released in 2005 starring Rajnikanth, Jyothika, and Prabhu in the key roles. The original film was taken from the 1993 Malayalam movie Manichitrathazhu which was remade in Hindi as well with the name Bhool Bhulaiyan 2 starring Akshay Kumar, Vidya Balan, and Ameesha Patel in 2007