New Delhi: In a shocking incident, two Malyalam actresses was sexually abused during the promotions of the Malayalam film at a mall in Kozhikode on Saturday night.
The actresses took to their respective Instagram account to share their horrific experience and also expressed her anguish and concern over the incident.
On of the actor expressed and shared the details about the incident where she wrote, “After the event, I and one of my co-stars were leaving and some guy misbehaved with my colleague, and she didn’t even get a chance to see or react because of the rush and the crowd.”
While the other actor also shared a long note in Malayalam. “I wish no one has to face this kind of unwanted trauma in their life.”
She further said that her team will be taking legal action against the individuals.
Meanwhile, an investigation has also been launched all efforts are on to identify and trace those who abused the actors.
On the other hand, the video of the incident has gone viral on social media and the footage was also aired on local TV channels.