New Delhi: No more waiting! Zoya Akhtar and Farhan Akhtar’s next film, Kho Gaye Hum Kahan, has finally been announced with its release date. In the coming-of-age film Kho Gaye Hum Kahan, which stars Siddhant Chaturvedi, Ananya Panday, and Adarsh Gourav, three friends in their mid-twenties navigate life in the age of social media.
Netflix shared the poster earlier, and wrote, “Doing nothing together is a love language, change my mind 😌
#KhoGayeHumKahan – arrives on 26th December, only on Netflix.”
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The trailer for Kho Gaye Hum Kahan, which had been much anticipated, was finally released on December 11 by the whole crew working on the show. Zoya Akhtar, Farhan Akhtar, Ritesh Sidhwani, Reema Kagti, Saba Azad, and Ankur Tewari were among the celebs who were present at the event. Other notable attendees were Ananya Panday, Siddhant Chaturvedi, and Adarsh Gourav.
In the movie, Kho Gaye Hum Kahan, the lives of three closest friends, Imaad (played by Siddhant Chaturvedi), Ahana (played by Ananya Panday), and Neil (played by Adarsh Gourav), are chronicled because they work together to manage their emotions, relationships, and aspirations.
In Mumbai, where passion, ambition, and heartache meet with the irresistible attraction of social media, three closest friends face the challenges of juggling their lives as twenty-somethings simultaneously.
When and Where to Watch?
Kho Gaye Hum Kahan will have its world debut on Netflix on December 26, 2023. The film will be available as a streaming service in 190 countries globally.
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Other Details
The director of Kho Gaye Hum Kahan is Arjun Varain Singh, who is making his directorial debut. Among the individuals responsible for producing Kho Gaye Hum Kahan are Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar of Excel Entertainment, as well as Reema Kagti and Zoya Akhtar of Tiger Baby.
The movie Kho Gaye Hum Kahan, which stars Ananya Pandey, Siddhant Chaturvedi, and Adarsh Gourav, is going to make you feel refreshed by telling you some epic friendship tales about Imaad, Ahana, and Neil as they deal with the challenges and triumphs of being a young adult.
Out of everything
I am really excited for Kho Gaye hum kahan.
The movie seems more relatable, fun and fresh and the music album of this movie is something that i have been vibing on since the past few days
I have high hopes for this one ♥️#khogayehumkahan— Yogi Baba Productions (@yogibabaprod) December 21, 2023