New Delhi: Karan Johar’s Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahani makers unveiled its new song, ‘Kudmayi’ on Thursday. The song is a wedding song that features Alia’s character Rani and Ranveer Singh’s Character Rocky in wedding attire preparing to take marriage vows. The beautiful song is composed by talented musician Pritam and sung by Shahid Mallya, Meanwhile, the heartfelt lyrics of the song are written by Amitabh Bhattacharya.
Almost one week after the theatrical release of the film, the makers released the Kudmayi song online from the movie Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahani. The video features the wedding sequence of Rocky and Rani where Rani (Ali Bhatt) is getting ready for her memorable day while emotional Rocky is captivated by her beauty. Then the couple ties the knot and takes wedding vows in the presence of their family members. The track effectively captures the enchanting essence of Karan Johar’s romantic drama with the melodious composition of Pritam. The 4-minute and 36 seconds long song beautifully covers the wedding rituals and the union of two persons who are madly in love with each other.