New Delhi: The trailer for Made In Heaven 2 has been released, featuring Sobhita Dhulipala, Arjun Mathur, and their team of wedding planners. The series will premiere on August 10 on Amazon Prime Video and explores complex relationships, personal struggles, and moral dilemmas. Along with the original cast, Made In Heaven 2 introduces new faces such as Mona Singh, Ishwak Singh, and Trinetra. Actresses Mrunal Thakur, Radhika Apte, Shibani Dandekar, and Sarah Jane Dias will portray brides in the second season.
The trailer of Zoya Akhtar’s series is 3 minutes and 23 seconds long, showcasing weddings, drama, and unexpected connections. Arjun Mathur and Sobhita Dhulipala play wedding planners who organize grand weddings with unique traditional elements. Along the way, they face challenges within their team and in their personal lives. The clients getting married in the series also navigate intricate relationships with their partners and themselves.
Arjun Mathur & Sobhita Dhulipala on Made In Heaven 2
Arjun Mathur mentioned that playing the character Karan in the series has been a life-changing experience for him. He mentioned that revisiting a character he previously portrayed is an interesting journey, as he gets to explore new aspects of the character. In Season 2, his character Karan faces new challenges amidst extravagant weddings and societal issues. He is curious to see how viewers will respond to Karan’s evolving journey and the unexpected twists in his life. The show sheds light on the reality of weddings, going beyond the surface and exploring the emotional journey of Karan as he breaks conventions and seeks happiness amidst the grand celebrations.
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Sobhita Dhulipala expressed her excitement about returning as Tara in the series and mentioned that it has been both intriguing and demanding to portray Tara’s character. The actress expressed that she believes the upcoming season of Made in Heaven will resonate even more with the audience. While there is some pressure to meet and exceed the previous season’s expectations, she remains optimistic. She is confident that Season 2 will captivate viewers, sparking important conversations about the complexities of human existence and leaving a lasting impact.
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About Made In Heaven
Made In Heaven is a popular Indian show on the OTT platform, created by Zoya Akhtar and Reema Kagti. The series revolves around Arjun Mathur (Karan Mehra) and Sobhita Dhulipala (Tara Khanna), who portray wedding planners.
Made In Heaven depicts a modern India that is a mix of tradition and contemporary aspirations. The show explores the conflicts between these elements. The stories of the lead characters unfold amidst extravagant and opulent weddings.
To keep the audience engaged and address the delay in releasing season 2, Zoya and the Made In Heaven team have been sharing old clips from the first season in the past few weeks. The show’s first season premiered in 2019.