New Delhi: Bollywood actor Manoj Bajpayee’s mother Geeta Devi passed away on the morning of December 8 at the age of 80. She was suffering from a brief illness and died at a hospital. According to the actor’s spokesperson, Manoj Bajpayee’s mother was not well for around 20 days and passed away at the Max Super Speciality Hospital. However, the cause of death has not been disclosed yet.
Last year in October, Manoj Bajpayee also lost his father RK Bajpayee in Delhi while he was shooting for a film. Geeta Devi is survived by three sons and three daughters. The actor was also present at the hospital when his mother took her last breaths.
In his interviews, Manoj Bajpayee has often talked about his relationship with his mother. He has said that his mother was his strength.
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Meanwhile, the actor shared the poster of his upcoming film yesterday. Bajpayee will star in the courtroom drama ‘Bandaa’. The black and white poster shows the protagonist with an intense look and Manoj Bajpayee will be playing the titular role in the film. The film is directed by Apoory Singh Karki and produced by Vinod Bhanushali under the banner of Zee Studios. The cast and the crew completed the shoot in Jodhpur and Mumbai and the movie is expected to release next year.
Meanwhile, fans have started sharing condolence posts on social media.
Manoj Bajpayee’s mother Geeta Devi passes away at 80 after a prolonged illness. @BajpayeeManoj #ManojBajpayee #ManojBajpayeeMother
— Sandeep Kumar ?? (@sandeepravi55) December 8, 2022
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श्रद्धापूर्ण श्रद्धांजलि। ??#ManojBajpayee #mother— Damodar Raao (@RaaoDamodar) December 8, 2022