New Delhi: On Wednesday, November 15, the Preliminary Gala for the 72nd Miss Universe Pageant was held. Miss India Shweta Sharda, who is competing in El Salvador at the 72nd Miss Universe pageant, donned a unique ensemble for the National Costume portion of the competition. Shweta Sharda looked stunning in her National Costume Round costume.
Shweta Sharda, dressed in beautifully embroidered gold attire, captivated onlookers with her stunning presence. She donned a classic skirt with a lot of embellishment and a royal embroidered blouse for the National Costume Round. She incorporated elements of both tradition and extravagance into her ensemble by way of the golden headpiece and the bold, massive jewellery she wore.
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At the National Costume Round, Shweta Sharda represented India with a traditional skirt with a lot of embellishment and a royal embroidered top by Nidhi Yasha. Her outfit symbolises a resilient country that can overcome adversity and rise above it. Her armoured goddess appearance represents variety, integrity, strength, and perseverance. The feminine figure is celebrated for its softness and strength, which are emphasised by the power shoulders and structured bodice.
The lotus is the national flower of India, and its inclusion in the crown of this headwear is meant to symbolise the peaceful coexistence of India’s many faiths and cultural traditions. The bottom half is embroidered with real peacock feathers, making it seem like the mythical national bird of India, the peacock.
The rigid upper part is in stark contrast to the free-flowing Organza skirt and dramatic lengthy trail, symbolising India’s strength in its magnificent contrasts and balances.
Sweta has uploaded an image of herself in a traditional outfit and highlighted the additions she made to it on her Instagram account.
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Makeup artist Bhagyashree Tanwar helped Shweta achieve a glowing look with a nude shade of lipstick, winged eyeliner, and golden glitter on her eyes. Palakh Hingorani helped her with hairdressing, curling her long, thick hair into gentle waves that she then let loosely fall over her shoulders. Her entire look reflects India’s success in reconciling its many contradictions, which is a hallmark of the country.
As she adorned the stage in this magnificent work, Shweta Sharda embodied the spirit of an Indian woman: strong, tough, and driven. The traditional Indian dress both reflected and highlighted the country’s modern development and cultural history.
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The 85 women competing to achieve the Miss Universe tag first showed off their swimwear, and then they changed for the National Costume Round.
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The winner of this crucial first round will be revealed on Saturday, November 18 after the conclusion of the competition.
On Sunday, November 19 at 6:30 a.m. IST, the final round of Miss Universe will be conducted, and we may watch it on the YouTube channel and the X account.
About Shweta Sharda
Model and dancer Shweta Sharda is just 22 years old. Shweta, a Chandigarh native, relocated to Mumbai when she was 16 years old. The Indian icon has been on several TV series, including DID, Dance Deewane, and Dance+. She also did choreography on the show Jhalak Dikhlaja.