New Delhi: Akshay Kumar’s latest movie, Mission Raniganj, has had an average opening weekend at the box office. The film started off slow on Friday with a collection of only ₹2.8 crore. However, it managed to pick up momentum over the weekend and earned an estimated ₹4.85 crore on Sunday, according to early estimates shared by Directed by Tinu Suresh Desai, Mission Raniganj also features Parineeti Chopra in a prominent role. Despite the modest opening, it remains to be seen how the movie will perform in the coming days and whether it will be able to sustain its box office momentum.
Mission Raniganj Box Office
According to reports, Mission Raniganj: The Great Bharat Rescue recorded an overall Hindi occupancy of 18.20 percent on Sunday. The film was released alongside Bhumi Pednekar’s multi-starrer sex comedy, Thank You For Coming on Friday, but has performed significantly better than its counterpart. The movie is based on a true story and follows the life of Jaswant Singh Gill, a mining engineer from IIT Dhanbad who rescued 65 trapped miners at the Raniganj Coalfields in 1989. Alongside Akshay Kumar, the film features an ensemble cast including Kumud Mishra, Pavan Malhotra, Ravi Kishan, Varun Badola, and Dibyendu Bhattacharya.
*Mission Raniganj Day 4 Morning Occupancy: 8.50% (Hindi) (2D) #MissionRaniganj*
— Sacnilk Entertainment (@SacnilkEntmt) October 9, 2023
The film ‘Mission Raniganj’ has been widely praised for its exceptional work by the team and the outstanding acting performances of the lead cast. The movie’s opening weekend saw a remarkable response from audiences across the country, with an initial earning of Rs 2.8 crore on Friday. The following day, the collections increased significantly to Rs 4.50 crore, and on Sunday, it managed to rake in Rs 4.80 crore. Overall, the movie earned a total of Rs 12.15 crore during its opening weekend.
It is worth noting that the film’s earnings on Sunday may have been affected by the India-Australia match in the ICC World Cup, which was played on the same day. Despite this, ‘Mission Raniganj’ has still managed to make an impressive debut at the Box Office and is expected to continue its successful run in the coming weeks.
Akshay Kumar’s Work Front
Akshay Kumar, the renowned Bollywood actor, has an array of exciting projects lined up for his fans to look forward to. Among them is the movie titled, “Sky Force,” which is scheduled for release on October 2, 2024. Additionally, he is also set to star in the Hindi remake of Suriya’s hit film, “Soorarai Pottru,” alongside the talented Radhika Madan.
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Furthermore, Akshay Kumar has several other notable projects in the works, including “Welcome To The Jungle,” “Bade Miyan Chote Miyan,” and “Singham Again,” among others. He has also teamed up with Paresh Rawal and Suniel Shetty for the highly anticipated third installment of the popular comedy franchise, “Hera Pheri.”
Overall, Akshay Kumar’s fans can expect to see him in a diverse range of roles and genres in the coming years, as he continues to establish himself as one of Bollywood’s most versatile and beloved actors.