New Delhi: The Indian Malayalam movie “2018” is making the buzzing rounds ahead of its OTT release. It is based on the disastrous event of Kerala floods which happened five years ago. The movie ‘2018’ became the highest earning Malayalam film, surpassing the 2016 action thriller ‘Pulimurugan’. According to the film tracking site Sacnilk, the Jude Anthany Joseph directed film still runs theatre packed. In its four days of release, the movie collected Rs 190 crore globally.
The ‘2018’ movie was released on the big screen on May 5 while featuring Asif Ali, Tovino Thomas, Aparna Balamurali, Narain, Kunchacko Boban, Vineeth Sreenivasan, Kalaiyarasan, Tanvi Ram, Lal Indrans, Siddique, Aju Varghese, Gauthami Nair, and Sshivada, among others.
After the big screen release of the thoughtful themed movie, it is all set to premiere on the OTT platform, SonyLiv, on June 7. The platform took to social media to post the film’s trailer while calling the story revolving around the fate of the catastrophe “An exceptional survival which became the biggest Malayalam blockbuster streaming on SonyLiv”, the OTT giant wrote.
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The ‘2018’ movie received a hugely positive response. Several fans also demanded a delay in its OTT release for the Malayalam film to reach the earning mark of Rs 200 crore.
For the unversed, the southern state of India, Kerala was hit by massive floods in 2018 that completely left the state in devastation. It caused around 480 people to lose their lives, while 15 people went missing. It was considered as the worst ever flood after the ‘Great Flood of 99’ which ravaged several lives in 1924.