New Delhi: Actress Parineeti Chopra surprised everyone when she announced her engagement to Aam Admi Party leader Raghav Chadha earlier this year. While they haven’t revealed their wedding plans, the couple has been seen traveling to different places, maybe to find a wedding venue. Recent reports suggest that Parineeti and Raghav are getting ready for a big wedding ceremony in Rajasthan next month. They seem to be making preparations for a grand celebration, which is getting their fans and the public excited.
Parineeti & Raghav Chadha Wedding
Sources have revealed that the much-anticipated wedding of Parineeti and Raghav is scheduled to take place on September 25th in Rajasthan, in a grand and extravagant ceremony. The event will witness the presence of their close friends and family members. Parineeti’s team has already begun making preparations for the wedding. Parineeti’s team has already started working on the logistics and scheduling her prior commitments. She will fully focus on her wedding preparations starting from the first week of September.” Additionally, there are plans for a grand reception in Gurugram following the wedding ceremony.
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The rumors about Parineeti and Raghav’s relationship started when they were spotted together at a dinner in Mumbai. However, they remained silent about the speculations until they officially announced their engagement. On May 13th, they had an intimate and beautiful engagement ceremony in Delhi, attended by close friends and family, including Parineeti’s sister Priyanka Chopra. They shared captivating pictures from the event on their Instagram accounts. Pari looked stunning in a stylish outfit by Manish Malhotra, while Raghav wore a white traditional attire designed by Pawan Sachdeva.
Parineeti Chopra’s Work Front
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Parineeti has recently completed shooting for Imtiaz Ali’s film Chamkila, where she stars alongside Diljit Dosanjh. Currently, she is busy working on The Great Indian Rescue, a survival thriller movie set to release in theaters on October 5, 2023. The film also features Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty, and Ravi Kishan.