New Delhi: The Makers have shared the trailer of the intense action drama film ‘Pepe’ helmed by Sreelesh S Nair. The promising trailer shows the rivalry between two groups and the crime against women with the tagline ‘Love, Blood and Betrayal’. Take a look at the trailer here..
The Trailer of the upcoming film has won the hearts of million already. However many Social Media users took to the internet to share their views after watching the teaser. The trailer gives a glimpse of the many practices that are followed in our society against women.
It also shows the rivalry between two groups and how one man is hunting down all the goons one by one. The film revolves around various issues in the society, especially women.
How the women were treated in the villages, they were raped, thrashed and humiliated by men in the society and in their own houses.
Nkn Sexy trailer 🥶💥
En trailer cut adu🥵#Pepe
— Raghu Rockyᵀᵒˣᶦᶜ (@MrRaghuRocky) August 18, 2024
#Pepe trailer! That was really unexpected rough character from @vinayrajkumar 🔥
We want such mass raw movies !
All the best to my friend Abhishek Kasaragod, good to see your cinematography after ‘Operation Alamelamma’
— Mister C (@misterc_speaks) August 19, 2024
Helmed by Sreelesh S Nair, the main actor in the film is played by a famous Kannada actor Vinay Rajkumar. Meanwhile, the film also stars RavipRasad Mandya, Kitty Sridhar, Shashidhar Bhatt Bala Rajwadi, Aruna Balraj, and Sandya Arekere in pivotal roles.
The veteran Kannada actor is seen as a village figure who is taking down all the goons in the society. This role is entirely different from what he did in his earlier film.
WTF…… Insane Trailer…….
This Will Pull Audience For Sure
Pure “A” Certified MovieKudos To @vinayrajkumar @shreelesh_nair #PepeTheTrailer 💥🫡
Pepe in Cinemas From August 30 💥
— Adheera (@adheeraeditz) August 18, 2024