New Delhi: Punjabi actor Deep Sidhu’s girlfriend Reena Rai posted a heart broken post for her late boyfriend on her Instagram after his death in a tragic car accident.
Actor-activist, Deep Sidhu died on Tuesday, February 15, in a road accident near Sonipat in Haryana. He was travelling with his girlfriend when this incident happened.
Reena wrote, “I’m broken I’m dead inside please come back to your soulmate which you promised me that you won’t leave me in any lifetime I love you my Jaan my soul boy you are my heartbeat. As I was lying in the hospital bed today I heard you come whisper I love my Jaan I know you are forever with me….we were planning our future together and now you are gone. Soulmates don’t leave each other and I’ll see you on the other side Jaan #Truesoulmates.”
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A day after his death, the couple had celebrated Valentine’s day together and had posted for each other on their respective Instagram handles.