Pothugadda OTT Release: Raksha Veeran’s Telugu movie Pothugadda is just a couple of weeks away from making its long-awaited digital debut. Featuring several fresh faces including Aadvik Bandaru and Prudhvi Dandamudi in its star cast, the drama film was earlier supposed to hit the screens on November 14th, 2024 but the same was unexpectedly postponed for some unknown reasons.
Now, the latest report suggests that the filmmakers have planned to roll out the movie on ETV Win on or around the festival of Pongal 2025. However, the exact digital premiere date of the crime thriller is yet to be announced officially.
Plot of the Movie
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Pothugadda, revolving around the themes of love, betrayal, and revenge, will make an attempt to take the viewers on an unforgettable journey through its main characters.
While not much about its story is known, the film will reportedly focus on the life of several ambitious people who will indulge in dangerous face-offs with one another.
With a lot on stake and & emotions clashing with one’s hunger for power, who will prevail over whom? Watch the movie on ETV Win to find out the answers.
Cast and Production
In addition to Aadvik Bandaru and Prudhvi Dandamudi, Pothugadda also features a number of other talented actors including Prashant Karthi, Shatru, and Vismaya Sri essaying pivotal roles.
Anupama Chandra Koduri, in association with, DR G Sharath Chandra Reddy has bankrolled the upcoming flick with a Hyderabad-based company named 24 Cinema Street LLP backing its production.