New Delhi: Priyanka Chopra has posted numerous photos of her child Malti Marie Chopra Jonas celebrating Easter. The toddler even sported a T-shirt that said “Malti Marie’s First Easter” and was spotted playing with Easter eggs. The actor just wrote “Easter Sunday” in the post, in addition to a heart emoticon, a nazar amulet, and folded hands emoticons.
The first image shows Malti sporting a customized T-shirt as she poses with Easter eggs in her hands, with Priyanka standing behind her. The second photo shows the mother-daughter combo matching in various printed tops and pajamas while Priyanka takes a mirror selfie with Malti in her arms. In the next picture, Malti is attempting to eat the chocolate egg and toying with it out of curiosity. The final image focuses on Malti playing on a sofa while their two dogs, Gino and Panda, play in the yard.
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Her fans adored the photos and showered Malti with affection. “What is this cuteness?” one fan wondered, while another exclaimed, “Awww so cute.” “Mumma goals… we adore you lil one,” said another. Another remark said, “Awwwwww! I love the photos! @priyankachopra, Malti Marie, and @nickjonas, Happy Easter!” Among those who felt Malti reminded them of Nick, one fan wrote for the baby girl, “Nick 2 – perfect.” “Our little bunny Jonas,” said another.
Priyanka had greeted her fans a Happy Easter with a lovely photo of Malti sitting in a basket while dressed in a white and yellow costume earlier in the day. “Happy Easter to everyone,” she remarked on Instagram Stories.
Priyanka and Malti were in India recently for the unveiling of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre in Mumbai as well as to promote her upcoming spy drama series, Citadel. Richard Madden, her co-star, had also visited her in India for a couple of days. Malti was visiting India for the first time, and the mother-daughter combo also visited the Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai before departing for England. They were joined in the city by Priyanka’s actor cousin Parineeti Chopra.