New Delhi: Ramarao On Duty starring Ravi Teja is all set to make an OTT release. The movie is directed by Sarath Mandava and produced by Sudhakar Cherukuri under his company banner, SLV Cinemas. In the movie, Ravi Teja played the role of B Ramarao, an honest civil servant, who is on a mission to remove corruption to help people suffering from poverty. The film made a theatrical release on July 29, however, failed to impress the audience. The action thriller did not perform well at the box office.
When and where to watch Ramarao On Duty on OTT?
Ramarao On Duty will make a worldwide premiere on September 15 on the streaming platform SonyLIV. The announcement was made by SonyLIV through a Twitter post on Sunday. Sharing the poster, the streaming service captioned it as, “Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja is back again with a perfect family entertainer – #RamaraoOnDuty streaming on Sept 15th only on #SonyLIV.”
See the post here:
Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja is back again with a perfect family entertainer – #RamaraoOnDuty streaming on Sept 15th only on #SonyLIV@RaviTeja_offl @directorsarat @Divyanshaaaaaa @rajisha_vijayan @SamCSmusic @sathyaDP @RTTeamWorks @SLVCinemasOffl
— SonyLIV (@SonyLIV) September 3, 2022
Ramarao On Duty is set in the backdrop of the mid-1990s. The film had music by Sam CS with Sathyan Sooryan ISC behind the camera.
How to watch Ramarao On Duty online?
Having a subscription to SonyLIV, Ramarao On Duty can be watched online. Besides, with the subscription, other movies can also be watched online.
The movie features Divyansha Kaushik, Rajisha Vijayan, Venu Thottempudi, and veteran actor Nasser. Ramarao On Duty is produced by SLV Cinemas and RT Team Works.