New Delhi: Showing gratitude after the success of ‘Kantara’, director-actor Rishab Shetty, Sapthami Gowda and their team attended the Bhoota Kola event. They were also accompanied by the founder of Hombale Films, Vijay Kirgandur and the production house also shared a video of the event on their Twitter handle. The performer also greeted Rishab and Kantara’s team while they stood worshipping ‘Daiva’ (deity).
ಹರಕೆ ತೀರಿಸಿದ ಕ್ಷಣಗಳು.
You surrender to the nature & worship the God, who has bestowed you with such success n freedom in life. #Kantara team witnessed the divine in real form & took the blessings of Daiva!@shetty_rishab #VijayKiragandur @gowda_sapthami @ChaluveG @Karthik1423— Hombale Films (@hombalefilms) January 20, 2023
Bhoota Kola formed the base for the story of ‘Kantara’ and the team went to witness the tradition again. The performer also recreated a moment from the film. In the video shared by Homable Films, the song ‘Varaha Roopam’ plays in the background as the performer performs Bhoota Kola.
Directed by Rishab Shetty, ‘Kantara’ showed a story of a village near a forest which is believed to be protected by the Daiva. The film explores the themes of legends, belief, religion, nature and greed. The Kannada dramatic thriller starred Rishab, Achyuth Kumar, Pramod Shetty, Sapthami Gowda and Kishore Kumar G.
Made on a small budget, the film gained good word of mouth and was later dubbed into Tamil and Telugu. After gaining success in the southern states, the film entered the Hindi market and became an even bigger success. ‘Kantara’ earned more than Rs 400 crore globally.
Not only the audience and critics were in awe of the visual language of the film, but Thalaiva Rajnikanth gifted a gold chain to Rishab Shetty while superstar Kamal Haasan wrote a letter of appreciation to him.
It means a lot to receive such a lovely message from Legend of Indian Cinema. Too overwhelmed and awestruck to see this surprise gift from Kamal sir.?
Thanks a ton for this precious gift sir ❤️ @ikamalhaasan ❤️ @KantaraFilm @hombalefilms #Kantara #KamalHaasan— Rishab Shetty (@shetty_rishab) January 13, 2023
The film is streaming on Amazon Prime Video in Kannada and on Netflix in Hindi.