New Delhi: Samantha Ruth Prabhu, who will next be seen in ‘Citadel’ alongside Varun Dhawan, clarified that the show is not a remake of the Russo Brothers’ ‘Citadel’ starring Priyanka Chopra. Samantha celebrated her birthday on April 28 and took to social media to share the pictures. In the comment section, she was asked if her series is a remake of the Hollywood one and the actor was quick to respond.
A fan raised a query about the show’s story and it being a remake and mentioned that Priyanka has already dubbed the show in Indian languages. Responding to the comment, Samantha wrote that it is not a remake.
Directed by Raj and DK, ‘Citadel’ is an Indian adaptation of the show and the spy-thriller similarly has Spanish and Italian spin-offs. This means that the show will be set in India with Indian context and culture rather than picking up the American elements as it is. Hence, there will be changes and a new version of the spy drama with the plot being the same will be released on OTT.
Samantha’s pictures and videos showed how she celebrated her birthday with team ‘Citadel’. The last slide also showed that Samantha is the most popular Indian celeb on IMDb currently.
Richard Madden and Priyanka Chopra starrer ‘Citadel’ is streaming on Amazon Prime Video, while Samantha and Varun’s version of the show will also air on the same OTT platform. The Indian adaptation will also star Sikander Kher, Shruti Seth, Apoorva Arora, and others. The series has gone on the floor but no release date has been announced yet.
Samantha, who was last seen in ‘Shaakuntalam’, also has ‘Kushi’ alongside Vijay Deverakonda in the pipeline.