New Delhi: Samantha is currently working on her action web series Citadel, which she co-created with Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan. The crew is reportedly wrapping up the shoot in Serbia, and once the Shaakuntalam actress returns to India, she will begin work on her Hollywood project. The film is titled Chennai Story and stars Samantha and Vivek Kalra in a romantic comedy. Samantha’s first English-language feature film. It is set to be released in both English and Tamil.
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The film Chennai Story narrates the story of Nikhil (Vivek Kalra), a South Asian Welshman who moves to Chennai in search of his detached father. In Chennai, he interacts with Anu (Samantha), a conservative family member. He utilises her as a street-smart detective to help him find his father. This film discusses their cultural differences and how they are drawn to each other despite coming from two distinct worlds. The film will be shot in both Chennai and the United Kingdom.
BAFTA winner Philip John (Downton Abbey) is directing the film, which was written by Nimmi Harasgama and Philip John. It centres on Timeri N Murari’s novel The Arrangements of Love.
When the film was announced the previous year, Will Machin, CEO of Metro International, said, “We’re delighted to be unveiling Chennai Story at AFM.” Philip John is an experienced director with an enviable track record for producing high-quality films, and Samantha is a really contemporary star with a massive fan base. With the rest of the cast on board, we’re looking forward to bringing audiences a unique romantic comedy that offers and connects Eastern and Western cultures.”
Samantha’s next film in India will be Kushi, starring Vijay Deverakonda. This film is set to be released on September 1st, and production has reportedly concluded.