New Delhi: Days after the sudden demise of actor-director Satish Kaushik, a woman who claims to be the wife of a Delhi based businessman has now claimed that her husband allegedly killed Kaushik for Rs 15 crore.
She said that her husband killed him because he took Rs 15 cr from the actor for investment purpose in Dubai.
In a complaint that she lodged with the Delhi Police Commissioner’s office, she alleged that the actor was demanding the money back from her husband but he didn’t want to pay back.
The woman also alleged that the actor was murdered with some pills which her arranged by her husband.
Meanwhile on Saturday, the Police officials collected some samples of medicines from the farmhouse in Delhi where the actor had attended a Holi party before his death.
The woman has also claimed that it was a pre-planned murder.
She also said that she got married to the Delhi based businessman on March 13, 2019 and she was introduced to Kaushik by her husband.
She also said that Satish Kaushik and they met regularly in India and Dubai.
The woman also said that on August 23, 2022 Satish Kaushik visited their house in Dubai and had demanded Rs 15 crore from her husband.