New Delhi: Following the success of “Scam 1992,” the Scam franchise is back with “Scam 2003 – The Telgi Story.” This time, Tushar Hiranandani directs. The series delves into the life of Abdul Karim Telgi, mastermind of India’s largest stamp paper scam. Given their shared franchise, comparisons between the two stories are inevitable.
Scam 2003 – The Telgi Story Storyline
Abdul Karim Telgi, an ambitious and educated individual, faces obstacles in achieving his dreams until he seizes an opportunity to move to Mumbai. His life takes a drastic turn in the bustling city, leading him to venture into counterfeiting. Starting with fake passports, he eventually delves into the lucrative world of forging stamp papers on a large scale. The intriguing story unfolds as Telgi aims to achieve wealth through his illegal activities. Discover the captivating journey in this show.
Based on real-life events and Sanjay Singh’s book “Telgi Scam: Reporter Ki Diary,” the initial episode of Scam 2003 – The Telgi Story delves into the captivating world of crime. Written by Kiran Yadnyopavit, Kedar Patankar, and Karan Vyas, the show successfully delivers a fast-paced and thrilling narrative, swiftly transitioning from one crucial moment to the next. The makers deserve praise for keeping the audience engaged and engrossed right from the opening episode, setting the stage for a captivating viewing experience.
Gagan Dev Riar shines as Abdul Karim Telgi in “Scam 2003 – The Telgi Story.” His portrayal is convincing and captures the character’s nuances flawlessly. He effortlessly embodies the different phases of Telgi’s journey, evoking a range of emotions from viewers. The supporting cast, including Bhavana Balsavar, Bharat Jadhav, Shashank Ketkar, and Sameer Dharmadhikari, also deliver commendable performances in their respective roles.
Hansal Mehta successfully meets expectations with Scam 1992, depicting the complexities of the ‘tainted’ crime drama. The visually appealing shots and attention to locations enhance the viewing experience. The directors’ dedication to portraying an ordinary man with extraordinary thoughts is impactful, earning them full marks for their vision.
Scam 1992’s second installment uses the original title theme created by Achint Thakkar. This decision allows the audience to immediately connect with the brilliance of the first part, benefiting the overall franchise. The background music adds intrigue and suspense to the narrative, perfectly complementing Abdul’s determination to make money.
The show loses pace in the second and third episodes, impacting its overall engagement. The multiple layers and explanations in the narrative take away from the charm of a captivating crime-thriller. However, the pace picks up again in the fourth episode of this 5-episode series. Yet, the episodes could have been more concise and crisper.
Karan Vyas’ dialogue in the series is average, with only a few standout lines. The cliffhanger at the end of the fifth episode feels weak and not particularly challenging for Abdul Karim Telgi to overcome in volume 2.
“Scam 2003 – The Telgi Story” captures the world of Telgi with sincerity, but falls short of the charm seen in its predecessor, “Scam 1992.” However, it remains a gripping drama that is worth watching. If you want to experience Abdul’s story firsthand, this cinematic marvel is a compelling choice.