New Delhi: Not just internet users but also celebrities have become engrossed in the fad of making AI images. The newest celebrity to follow the trend is Sharks from Shark Tank India. Recently, a number of celebrities, like Hina Khan, Mouni Roy, and others, showed their followers some love by dropping their AI avatars. Anupam Mittal, Ashneer Grover, Namita Thapar, Ghazal Alagh, Amit Jain, Vineeta Singh, Aman Gupta, and Peyush Bansal are just a few of the charming sharks featured in the adorable AI photos that have gone viral online.
Baby avatars of the Sharks of Shark Tank India (Part-1/2)
— RVCJ Media (@RVCJ_FB) February 3, 2023
Fan club pages are sharing the adorable baby AI clones of the Shark Tank India judges widely on social media. Fans gushed over Anupam and Ashneer the most among all the AI baby photos. Some people also prefer Namita and Peyush’s AI versions.
Baby avatars of the Sharks of Shark Tank India (Part – 2/2)
— RVCJ Media (@RVCJ_FB) February 3, 2023
Anupam, the creator of, was interestingly tagged for his AI version portrait by a large number of internet users, but he appeared uninterested. He responded to a user who had shared images of his AI version by saying, “Ye kya bana diya bhai. with the emoji for anger, “kyun sata rahe ho.”
ye kya bana diya bhai. kyun sata rahe ho ?
— Anupam Mittal (@AnupamMittal) February 3, 2023
The second season of Shark Tank India debuted on January 2 on Sony TV, and all the sharks have returned with the exception of Ashneer. Amit Jain, the co-founder of CarDekho, took over for Grover. The former co-founder of BharatPe admitted in an interview that his outstanding performance in the first season was crucial in helping Sony create a franchise with a staggering value of Rs 10,000 crore. Additionally, he said that he had unfollowed every other shark and that he would never participate in Shark Tank India 2.