New Delhi: Sobhita Dhulipala, who was recently seen in the web show ‘The Night Manager’ gave a must-watch interview to Mashable India’s The Bombay Journey. Not only did she reveal about her first film, ‘Made in Heaven 2’ and working in South India, but the actor also checked on a man who met with a road accident.
During the interview, the interviewer found a man whose scooter slipped due to the water spilling on the road. The actor did not hesitate to ask if he was okay and just after a moment, the man realised that it was Sobhita who just talked to him.
In the interview, Sobhita told that she has changed about 14 houses during her 13-year stay in Mumbai and she has also been to the NCC camp. About coming to Mumbai, she told that she wanted to go out of Vizag when she completed her school and flipped a coin and moved to Mumbai. She told that she began modelling in the last year of college to look ‘cool’ in front of two guys she had cush on.
Sobhita also opened up about not enough being paid to models to sustain her livelihood and how she was discriminated against for her skin colour. She told that she auditioned for L’Oreal and was rejected, but when they signed her three years ago, she felt good.
The actor debuted with Anurag Kashyap’s ‘Raman Raghav 2.0’ and talking about the auditions, she said that it was different from ads as there was emotional authenticity. She said that it was then that she realised she wanted to act and liked it for being ‘recognised’ for her merit.
When asked about going to South Indian films after Bollywood, she told that after a few Hindi films, she got a call for the Telugu film ‘Goodachari’. Talking about ‘Made in Heaven’, she said that she did not have the maturity to play Tara. She added that the shoot for ‘Made In Heaven 2’ is wrapped and the show will be out soon.