New Delhi: Actor Nikhil Siddhartha is once again back on the big screen with his film Spy after the success of his film Karthikeya 2 and this time he is thrilled by doing the genre he hasn’t done before. The Telugu film has also the cameo of Rana Daggubati and the actor has given a phenomenal performance. The film hit the screens on Thursday 29 June 202 3 and was helmed by Garry B.
H.The film is about a RAW agent Jay Vardhan who is on a mission of finding the most wanted terrorist Khadir, who is planning a nuclear attack on India. A Team OF Raw is formed in order to find the Khadir in which Jay leads the team after the death of a few men in the process. The movie revolves around finding the Khadir who is presumed to be dead. The movie features other casts including Iswarya Menon, Abhinav Gomatam, Sanaya Thakur, and Makrand DeshPande. The music of the film is given by Vishal Chandrashekhar and Sricharan Pakala.
The first half of the film is interesting as Jay’s attention is always divided between his personal vendetta and the duty to save the country. A big reveal before the interval was not that surprising but the second half is laid with more mysteries and it will be interesting to watch the second half of the film
Talking about the performance of the actors, Nikhil is playing the role of a spy so the part is heavy to carry and the actor has done a decent job. His character also has a lot of action sequences and the effort done by the actor is seen clearly. Ishwarya Menon has done her part with confidence.
Although these years spy thriller is not a new concept,. Therefore the films need a good storyline. Apart from that actions and chases were fine but the movie fails to thrill the audience.