New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan’s upcoming film “Jawan” is creating a lot of excitement. The highly anticipated movie, which also features Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi, is set to release worldwide on September 7. After unveiling impressive posters of the cast, the makers recently released a teaser of the romantic song “Chaleya” featuring Shah Rukh Khan and Nayanthara. Fans are eagerly awaiting this song as it will showcase the on-screen romantic chemistry between these two stars for the first time.
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Chaleya Teaser
Shah Rukh Khan shared the teaser of the song “Chaleya” on social media on Saturday evening. In his post, he expressed his excitement about the romantic and sweet vibe of the song. He also mentioned his admiration for Anirudh, the music composer, and Farah Khan, who always loves his work. Shah Rukh praised Arijit Singh for making his voice sound so romantic once again. He also praised Shilpa Rao for her divine voice and Kumaar for his beautiful poetry in the song. Shah Rukh mentioned that the film “Jawan” will be released worldwide on September 7, 2023, in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu languages.
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Cast & Crew
The film boasts an Impressive cast with well-known Bollywood actors. Alongside Shah Rukh Khan, Vijay Sethupathi, and Nayanthara, there are many other talented actors in the movie. The cast also includes Deepika Padukone, Azzy Bagria, Aamir Naik, Md Jubayer Mahamud, Parth Siddhpura, Priyamani, Sanjay Dutt, Sanya Malhotra, Simarjeet Singh Nagra, Sunil Grover, and Yogi Babu.