New Delhi: Bollywood actress Swara Bhaskar who is known for her films like ‘Veere Di Wedding’, ‘Tanu weds Manu’ and ‘Guzaarish’ has made some candid confessions about not not being able to make her mark in the film industry like other actors and actresses. The actress made some bold confessions about facing challenges and getting lesser opportunities in the cinema. During one of the interviews, the ‘Tanu weds Manu’ actress highlighted about her Bollywood journey.
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The ‘Guzaarish’ actress revealed how you are being sidelined by the Film Makers and Producers for being vocal and upfront. She added that people have the choice of disliking her or ignore her but no one can say she is a liar or she is fake. She mentioned that she never felt shy of putting up her opinions and perspective irrespective of the fact that whom she is speaking to.
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The actress has been trolled many a times in social media for spitting out facts. Swara candidly shared how her bold nature has affected her career. However despite facing many hurdles from every corner she remained loyal to her work and never made compromises. The ‘Veere Di Wedding’ actress added that she had to face many emotional and financial hurdles.
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The actress got married to Political activist Fahad Ahmad in January 2023. However her marriage faced criticizm from many Right wing activists as they refuse to accept the inter caste marriage. The ‘Guzaarish’ actress also gave birth to a daughter in Feb 2023 and is currently enjoying motherhood.
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On the Work Front
On the Work front, she will be seen in ‘Mrs Falani’ but the film is waiting for a release date.
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