New Delhi: The character of Daya is expected to return to ‘Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma’ as the produced Asit Kumarr Modi promises to bring Disha Vakani or someone else in Daya’s place. In a recently held press conference on the set, Asit Modi addressed Disha’s absence and promised that the character will be back soon.
In the press conference, Modi said that it has been five years and the character of Daya Bhabhi is such that people still talk about it. “Her absence is felt by everyone, including me. I have a lot of respect for her and I duly waited for her during the pandemic and I am waiting for her even today,” he added. Disha Vakani took a maternity break in 2017 after delivering a baby girl and has not returned to the show since then.
Asit hopes that the audience will accept new faces in the show and thinks changes are necessary. Talking about Disha, he said that every woman has a lot of duties, especially after marriage and she is doing the same, if she takes out time for the show it would be great. He wants to keep the audience happy, so the producer is ready to replace the actor.
Even the ritual character of Taarak Mehta will now be played by Sachin Shroff and Shailesh Lodha left the show a few months back.
In the show, Jethalal is having a fast until he brings Daya back. Now, the protagonist will have a new ‘fire brigade’ and maybe a new actor in the role of his wife.