New Delhi: The Kollywood film Leo, also known as Leo: Bloody Sweet, is directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. Lokesh, Deeraj Vaidy, and Rathna Kumar have collaborated on the screenplay. Leo is part of the Lokesh Cinematic Universe franchise, which includes the movies Kaithi (2019) starring Karthi and Vikram (2022) featuring Kamal Haasan and Vijay Sethupathi. Vijay portrays the main character, Leo Issa.
Leo Release Date
The film is set to release in theaters on October 19, 2023, in various formats including IMAX, standard, and premium. The film has generated a lot of anticipation and excitement.
Leo will be available for streaming on OTT platforms after its theatrical release. While the specific streaming partner is currently unknown, it is expected that popular video-on-demand platforms like Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, Disney+ Hotstar, Sun NXT, Zee5, SonyLIV, Aha Tamil/Aha, Simply South, JioCinema, and others will compete to acquire the digital rights to the film Leo, given its star-studded cast, renowned director, and genre. It is anticipated that Leo will be accessible on OTT platforms around December 2023 or January 2024.
Cast & Crew
The action-thriller Leo apart from Thalapathy Vijay also stars Arjun Sarja, Gautham Menon, Mysskin, and Priya Anand in important roles. The screenplay of the film is co-written by Rathna Kumar, Deeraj Vaidy, and Lokesh Kanagaraj. The music is composed by Anirudh Ravichander, while the cinematography is done by Manoj Paramahamsa and the editing is handled by Philomin Raj.
Leo Hindi Poster
The Hindi poster of Leo was released last Thursday, creating excitement for an action-packed experience. Director Lokesh Kanagaraj shared the poster on X, formerly known as Twitter. The poster features Thalapathy Vijay and Sanjay Dutt, showcasing an intense Vijay prepared for a confrontation with Sanjay.
#LeoPosterFeast #LeoHindiPoster#Thalapathy @actorvijay @Dir_Lokesh @trishtrashers @anirudhofficial @akarjunofficial @Jagadishbliss @GTelefilms @SonyMusicSouth #Leo
— Sanjay Dutt (@duttsanjay) September 21, 2023