New Delhi: The countdown has begun for Zoya Akhtar’s highly anticipated film The Archies. The makers finally, on Tuesday announced the release date of the film. The Archies is going to release on December 7 this year which stars Suhana Khan, Agasty Nanda, Kushi Kapoor, Mihir Ahuja, Aditi Dot Saigal, Yuvraj Menda, and Vedang Raina. The Archies mark the debut of Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter Suhana Khan, Amitabh Bachchan’s grandson Agastya Nanda, and Bony Kapoor and Sridevi’s daughter Khushi Kapoor. The cast of Archies also shared a video of them rejoicing as they made it to a live billboard on India’s busiest route- Mumbai’s Western Express Highway.
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The billboard also has a countdown timer that shows the number of days left before the film is released on Netflix. Fans are eagerly waiting for the film and already set their calendars for this rejoicing musical set in the 1960s. Suhana also shared a video on her Instagram in which The Archies gang was seen enjoying as they looked up at the billboard.
The Archies gang posed clapping and hugging each other with the billboard in the background. The Archies is set to release on December 7, with 100 days to go. Here is the poster and the video clip.
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Agastya ‘s sister Navya Nanda and mother Shweta Bachchan also shared the poster announcing the release date of the film. Navya took to Instagram and wrote, thats my brother up there sharing the poster.
About The Archies
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The Archies is a coming age musical drama, follows the lives of the Archie, Betty, Veronica, Jughead, Reggie, Ethel and Dilton who will drive the audience to the fictional hilly town of Riverdale on 7th of December 2023. Its the story of an Anglo-Indian Community, exploring the world of friendship, freedom, love, heartbreak and rebellion. The Indian adaptatiom will witness Dot essayEthel Mugs, Agastya Nanda as charming and talented Archies Andrews, Kushi Kapoor as Betty Copper Nihir Ahuja as Jughead Jones, Suhana Khan s Veronica Lodge.