New Delhi: The highly anticipated film adaptation of the beloved global comics, The Archies, has generated immense buzz for a multitude of reasons. With an exceptional ensemble of rising star kids, including Suhana Khan (daughter of Shah Rukh Khan), Khushi Kapoor (daughter of Boney Kapoor), and Agastya Nanda (grandson of Amitabh Bachchan), audiences are eagerly awaiting its release.
Last month, the official teaser of the movie was unveiled, creating a wave of excitement amongst Indian viewers. And now, the OTT platform Netflix, which will exclusively premiere The Archies, has treated fans with new reels showcasing the young actors.
In a recent video shared on the Netflix’s social media handle, the caption exclaimed, “Hear that sound? That’s not the rain, it’s The Archies’ drip!”
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Agastya Nanda can be seen in the latest footage wearing an eye-catching yellow t-shirt, which beautifully matches his stylish blue jacket and trendy grey checkered trousers. Khushi Kapoor graces the screen in classic red checkered pleated trousers, complemented by a cream-colored blouse with puff sleeves, her hair elegantly tied back in a ponytail. Mihir Ahuja dons a stylish look consisting of a blue t-shirt, olive green jacket, and black trousers, topped off with a red golf cap, striped socks, and white sneakers. Suhana Khan completes the retro aesthetic, donning a pink shirt and a green dress layered over it.