New Delhi: The animated adaptation of the German children’s book Grimm’s Fairy Tales is set to be included in the forthcoming Japanese anime anthology – The Grimm’s Variations. A brief clip showing the pilot episode of the series was released by Netflix to tantalize viewers.
Anime fans can look forward to a new take on the beloved story in this new series from Wit Studio and the renowned manga group CLAMP. Based on the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, the anime goes by the original name Grimm Kumikyoku.
Il était une fois…
La série The Grimm Variations, par WIT Studio (L’Attaque des Titans, Spy x Family) et CLAMP (Sakura, chasseuse de cartes), basée sur les contes des frères Grimm, le 17 avril.
— Netflix France (@NetflixFR) April 11, 2024
In The Grimm Variations, we see that two brothers, Wilhelm, and Jacob Grimm, wrote, and published a book of fairy stories. Charlotte is their younger sister. Once, while listening to the brothers read aloud from their book to their younger sister, she interrupts to inquire as to whether the narrative ends happily. While it does provide a brief glimpse inside the pilot episode, the teaser concludes with many conclusions regarding the story’s future.
One of the interesting characters in the German fairy tale book is Charlotte, who stands in stark contrast to her brothers in terms of their worldview. The story’s many interesting components, such as horror, suspense, thriller, and more will make watching it seem much more thrilling than reading the book.
When and Where to Watch?
The premiere date for the series on Netflix is April 17, 2024. Six mangaka and one female group artist, Clamp, will be working together, according to an announcement made by Netflix in February 2020. There will be 190 nations that can watch the original anime online.
There are six episodes in The Grimm Variations. Episode 1 is titled “Cinderella,” subsequent episodes are titled “Little Red Riding Hood,” Hansel and Gretel, “The Elves and the Shoemaker,” “Town Musicians of Bremen,” and “Pied Piper of Hamelin”.
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The Grimm Variations EP1: Cinderella 👠
In the original tale, Cinderella captures the prince’s heart with the help of her fairy godmother at a royal ball. As she hastily departs, a glass slipper is left behind, prompting the prince’s search. He finds her, and they live happily…
— Netflix Anime (@NetflixAnime) April 9, 2024
Cast and Crew
In The Grimm’s Variations, Misato Fukuen provides the voice for Charlotte, Tatsuhisa Suzuki for Jacob, and Kenji Nojima for Wilhelm.
Yōko Kanamori, Jun’ichirō Hashiguchi, Yumi Kawamura, Masato Takeuchi, and Shintarou Nakazawa are among the six directors who have an outing in each of the six episodes. George Wada of Wit Studio created Grimm Variations, which was composed by Michiko Yokote.