New Delhi: The Trial” has premiered on the streaming platform Disney+ Hotstar on 14 of July. It features Kajol and Jisshu Sengupta in the lead roles and falls under the well-liked courtroom drama genre. The series is produced by Banijay Asia and Ajay Devgn Films and it is the Adaption from the Amerian Show “The Good Wife”.
Rising from the ashes of betrayal; should Noyonika be looking for the explanation or giving the explanation?
Watch #HotstarSpecials #TheTrial: Pyaar, Kaanoon, Dhokha on 14th July only on @DisneyPlusHS@Jisshusengupta @AlyyKhan06 @ChadhaSheeba @KubbraSait @ali_aamir @banijayasia…— Kajol (@itsKajolD) July 11, 2023
“The Trial – Pyaar, Kaanoon, Dhokha” is a well-executed legal drama that explores a variety of themes. It focuses on courtroom arguments, personal upheavals, moral dilemmas, and the story of a woman played by Kajol who returns to her law career after her husband gets involved in a sex scandal.
This eight-episode series on Disney+ Hotstar is adapted from the popular CBS show “The Good Wife” but with changes to suit the Indian context. It presents a realistic portrayal overall. While some parts of the show might seem slow and meandering, the writing and acting are sharp enough to keep its shine intact.
“The Trial” delves into several topics such as love, marriage, betrayal, redemption, power dynamics, ambition, media trials, ethical concerns in the legal profession, and the clash between what is justifiable and what is expedient.
In this world, not everything follows the rules. One of the important characters in the show believes that a lawyer’s duty is to defend their client, not necessarily find the truth. Unfortunately, the truth often becomes a casualty as the law firm central to the story prioritizes the company’s profits.
Nyonika and her family live a perfect life. Her husband Rajeev is a judge and wants a bigger house, luxury cars, and foreign trips. However, things take a turn when Rajeev is exposed for asking for sexual favors as bribes. He is jailed and loses all his assets and money. Nyonika has to go back to work after 13 years to support herself and her family. With the help of her friend Vishal, she starts working at a law firm. She proves herself by winning cases and gaining confidence. People who judged her for her husband’s actions start respecting her. Now, she has to fight to get her husband out of jail as a successful lawyer.