Nwe Delhi: In recent months, there has been a surge of questions on social media regarding updates on the highly anticipated film Tiger 3, starring Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif. In an exclusive report by Pinkvilla, it has been revealed that on YRF’s Foundation Day, which commemorates the birth anniversary of the legendary filmmaker Yash Chopra, Aditya Chopra will unveil ‘Tiger Ka Message’, a video that serves as a teaser for the trailer of Tiger 3. Starting from September 27, 2023, the promotional campaign for Tiger 3 will kick off, leading up to its grand release this Diwali in cinemas worldwide.
“Tiger Ka Message” from Salman Khan
A trusted source in the film industry has revealed that the upcoming video, ‘Tiger Ka Message’, will serve as a preview for the trailer of Tiger 3. In this video, Salman Khan will portray his iconic character, Agent Tiger, and deliver a significant message. Salman Khan’s portrayal of Agent Tiger has played a vital role in the success of the YRF Spy Universe, and there is immense anticipation for Tiger 3 to unveil the next chapter of this thrilling series.
This will be the fifth installment in the YRF Spy Universe, and audiences have become invested in the growth and development of the characters Tiger, Kabir, and Pathaan. Tiger 3 follows the events of Tiger Zinda Hai, War, and Pathaan, aiming to deliver an action-packed and gripping cinematic experience unlike anything seen before.
The expectations surrounding Tiger 3 are incredibly high, as viewers eagerly await to witness the next adventure in the YRF Spy Universe.
The upcoming video, ‘Tiger Ka Message’, is expected to provide viewers a glimpse into the world of Maneesh Sharma-directed Tiger 3. This will eventually lead to the release of the trailer for this thrilling action film. The YRF Spy Universe began in 2012 with Ek Tha Tiger, followed by Tiger Zinda Hai in 2017, War in 2019, and Pathaan in 2023. Aditya Chopra has dedicated his efforts to gradually build India’s biggest cinematic universe.
The tremendous success of Ek Tha Tiger and Tiger Zinda Hai solidified Aditya Chopra’s belief that he could introduce two more extraordinary spy characters into his ambitious plans. This included Kabir, played by Hrithik Roshan, in War, and Pathaan, portrayed by Shah Rukh Khan. Aditya Chopra has meticulously crafted his vision, brick by brick, to create a captivating universe.
Aditya Chopra, the mastermind behind successful films like Ek Tha Tiger, Tiger Zinda Hai, and War, unveiled the YRF Spy Universe with “Pathaan” and introduced the franchise logo. In this larger-than-life action film, Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan teamed up, marking the beginning of the crossover of characters within the Spy Universe. YRF plans to connect all future spy films, with “Tiger 3” directed by Maneesh Sharma set for a Diwali release. Get ready for an exciting world of high-octane espionage!