New Delhi: Actor Tiger Shroff recently announced that he is making his debut as a singer with a track called ‘Unbelievable’. On Saturday, he unveiled a teaser, with some glimpses of the video shot in black and white. Tiger is seen vocalising in the clip sporting a semi-formal look – a white shirt and black trousers teamed with tie and dark sunglasses.
The ‘War’ actor shared the teaser on Instagram and wrote, “Hey guys here’s the teaser of my first song, hope you guys like it, and just want to say that #YouAreUnbelievable. “(along with red heart emojis).
In the monochromatic teaser, the ‘Heropanti’, actor looks dashing as he sports a white shirt and black pants with a tie, he accessorised his look with aviators. Tiger is seen performing a small moonwalk while he hums the ‘Unbelievable’ rhythm. The actor who has charmed his fans with his dancing and action skills is ready to entertain them with his singing debut.
With the post grabbed more than 1 lakh viewers on the photo-sharing platform in the first 38 minutes of being posted.
Produced by Big Bang Music, the single ‘Unbelievable’ has been penned by DG Mayne and Avitesh. Punit Malhotra has directed the track. The song will be out on September 22.