New Delhi: The popular Japanese manga series, having its adaptation in anime, Toilet Bound Hanako Kun is a shounen series centered around the themes of supernatural and suspenseful elements.
This famed manga and anime series garners a large fan following, with the release of season 1 being an all-time hit, pulling the attention of anime fans and the themes of supernatural alike to watch the suspenseful feat this series poses.
Season 2 of this anime is set to release in January 2025, on platforms like Crunchyroll and Hulu.
Toilet-bound Hanako-kun Season 2
Scheduled for January 2025!The spin-off short anime “After-school Hanako-kun” is scheduled for October 7!
— AnimeTV チェーン (@animetv_jp) July 28, 2024
Toilet-bound Hanako-kun Season 2
Scheduled for January 2025!✨More:
— AnimeTV チェーン (@animetv_jp) July 28, 2024
Kamome Academy is an institute, famous for the rumors that circle regarding the ‘seven wonders’ tagging along with them, are supernatural occurrences. Nene Yashiro is a first-year high school student, who yearns for a boyfriend of her own, and to regard this wish of hers, she summons the most famous seventh wonder, Hanako.
Therefore, It is alleged that Hanako is the spirit of a girl who haunts the bathrooms of the academy, and if the price set is correct and high, she grants a person, their most desired wish.
All of these alleged rumors prove false, as Nene discovers Hanako is nothing like the claims, alleged to be the spirit of a girl, he is a boy.
However, in these events, Nene finds herself spiritually bound to Hanako, and turned into his assistant helping him defeat the evil supernatural forces and change the rumors to keep the balance between the spirit world and the human world.
Along such a wild ride, Nene learns of her connections to the spirit world, and by uncovering bits and pieces of Hanako’s dark past the spirit has done well to keep it secret.