New Delhi: Urvashi Rautela made her debut in a white off-shoulder ruffle gown to a news agency she expressed that she was nervous and got emotional. Further adding to this actress said, “I was freaking out and falling short of words after receiving compliments from Leonardo DiCaprio. I was so emotional and could feel happy tears in my eyes. At the same time, I was blushing too. He also appreciated me as a very talented actress. I was waking up pinching myself. Did that really happen last night? Was I dreaming about the sweet moment? I think it just shows how even the younger actors want to be out there and inspires young actors to keep going, that’s my memory of meeting him, ” Actress expressed that meeting him was like a dream come true.
But for netizens, her statement is hard to digest. People are not ready to accept that this can also be true.
Many social media users doubted the presence of Leonardo DiCaprio as the Hollywood actor didn’t post even a single picture.
Here are some reactions to the post:
leo is not even at cannes??? maybe news sites need to report that too
— जोखिम trier (@MrNarci) May 26, 2022
One person said news sites need to report this
i really admire Urvashi Rautela because she don’t care that she lying
she just be lying
— myth.of.sissypuss ? (@mythofsissypuss) May 26, 2022
Another said he loves the diva because she don’t even care whether she is right or wrong.
And the series of reactions continued .
yeah bro, #LeonardoDiCaprio definitely watched #UrvashiRautela‘s stellar performances in Virgin Bhanupriya, Great Grand Masti, Hate Story 4, Pagalpanti et al, like totes ?✊
— PrayRona (@PrayRona_) May 26, 2022